Friday, November 30, 2007

Mostly Photos

Roger Smith died today. He was made famous to most of us through Michael Moore's documentary Roger & Me, about GM's massive plant closings in Flint Michigan in the late 1980's, and a few of the real people it affected. Condolences to his family and friends.

Tonight after dinner, we watched Roger and Me. I won't get political or rebellious tonight, so I'll just say Moore, who was much softer in those days, really skewered Smith, GM, and some blind (and/or clueless) supporters like Pat Boone, Miss AmericaTM© Kay Lani Rea Rafko, and a couple unforgettable mid-level county cogs straight out of Guffman's Blaine, Missouri (great analogy, Monique!).

It got up to 20° today, and for the very brief time the sun was out, I was down by the river taking pictures. The clouds chased the sun it as rose, eventually catching and overtaking it.

Frozen droplets
Steam and frost
Very cold water acting like hot springs...
Rocks in IceMorning Serenity

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