(Monique here) We had a big wind storm last night that blew down a couple of trees across the river (thankfully nothing on our side!)....now to try and figure out how to get the wood from those fallen trees cut and floated across to us! A slightly easier task in a warmer season...but then we wouldn't need the wood!
Today was a beautiful moody day...with sun beams and dark clouds fighting for center stage. And since it was my last full day at home for a week I was glad to have the opportunity to be here to witness it.
Nature is good.
1 comment:
Hey Bob!...I was tagged to do a blog project and I thought it might be kind of fun to send it on to you. :)
It's called Seven Random Things
and even though I know a few random things it might be fun to know a few more ;)
The rules:
1. link to the person who tagged you:
2. Post the rules.
3. List seven random things about yourself.
4. Tag seven random people (including links to their blogs at the end of the post)
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
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