Sunday, December 2, 2007

Settled In for the Night

I found this "stick ice feather" yesterday in the shallows of the river. Patterns in nature fascinate me. From butterfly wings to riverbank shapes, nautilus shells to fractal geometry, beauty is beauty.

A few days ago Monique saw a bald eagle swoop up right over the house; I was outside too, but on the opposite side of the house. Never saw a thing.

I try to pay attention. It focuses my mind, connects me to my imagination, and inspires me to learn about critters. We have a group of ladybugs wintering under the wood pile on the deck, and wild turkeys are visiting regularly. Monique found a beautiful spider egg sack on the underside of a stick yesterday -- it was like a pale yellow polka-dotted candy egg. I'm amazed by teeny insects and fragile-looking deer surviving sub-freezing temperatures.

This photo shows prints on a tenuous thin sheet of ice... I'm pretty sure it's from a feral cat. We've seen a couple different cats around here, but I haven't seen one in the past few weeks. Snow is nature's fingerprinter.

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday -- Happy Birthday, Pop!

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