Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Da Boyds

Yesterday at dusk I saw a bird's silhouette fly across the field. No biggie; there are lots of crows, ravens, and eagles around. But as soon as I saw it land at the top of a pine tree, I knew it was an owl. As it turned its head, I saw its Great Horns. Couldn't see color or any detail, but who cares?!? I've never seen an owl here at the "Cabin" before. How extraordinarily cool.

And this afternoon, amid huge snowfall and downpour, sun and wind, two good-sized toms came a-wanderin' by. We thought they'd be interested in the new black oil sunflower seed we added to the bird feeder (fondly remembering the pre-logging days of winter when several turkeys would hang out under or on the deck, waiting for bird seed). They passed on the food, but as they walked by the downstairs bedroom windows, the bigger of the two stopped, puffed out, gobbled, and challenged this usurper, this upstart, this... reflection. Needless to say, the brave bird was not in the least bit intimidated by his bad self.As he puffed and posed, he gave the window a few solid whacks with his beak. Then he and his turkey toady sauntered into the field, quite pleased with the big un's show of force and claim staking.

They're lovely birds, and super tasty, but not so smart. Not avian intellectual elites, shall we say.

Lots of robins about, Monique saw a dozen bluejays today, and yesterday I saw a golden eagle get chased up- and downriver by a raven that looked positively puny in comparison.

Birds are so cool!!

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