Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

In my year-end letter, I said

We have ... sincere hopes for a white Christmas (and a white Valentine's Day
(and frankly, a white April Fool's Day)).

Well, lookie what happened! Woke up this morning to a solid, powdery snowfall. It's snowed most mornings (and more than a few afternoons) the past few weeks, with not too much accumulation. How cool that it snowed today. No foolin'.

I've never liked April Fool's day -- I do not wear practical jokes well. A few years ago I saw a truly heartless and illegal "prank": our then-director of HR, her subordinate, and the facilities manager pulled a couple people into a visible meeting room and told them they were fired.

HA HA HA Now THAT'S comedy! Yep, our corporate director of HR -- the person entrusted with every employee's personal information, the person responsible for lecturing each one of us on "appropriate" office behavior -- participated in this hilarious lark. I've seen a similar scene on "The Office," but even they wouldn't conceive that an HR DIRECTOR would have the 'nads to flip that crap.

Ahh, good times by responsible professionals; I miss them.* Really**

Right now we're listening to The Cambridge Singers, the album "Brother Sun, Sister Moon." One of my all-time favorites. The wood stove is crackling away, it's dark, and we've been at "The Cabin" seven months.

The turkeys are back, deer are feeding less on willow and more on the brave grasses sprouting up, and our driveway is nearly free of snow. Life is grand.

*A big, smelly fib
** Same, only bigger and smellier

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