The cracked window panes get replaced next week, which will be grand. Looking outside and not focusing on the giant fractal lines in the glass will be wild. "The Guy" coming out to do the work I met at the Echo Lake store, and he lives about five minutes away. I like that.
I'm soon to begin a for-real homeowner project... installing shelves in the laundry / pantry. Apart from when I was a kid and put a hole in my bedroom door with my skateboard (yes, I rode my skateboard in the basement, but this was the days when wheels were fairly rigid, and I never liked the rough vibration of pebbles and asphalt running up my legs)... ehh, too long of a parenthetical offshoot. So, again. Apart from when I was a kid and put a hole in my bedroom door with my skateboard, the biggest holes I put in walls are push-pins. These shelves require nails, brackets, and I should probably use a level. A LEVEL! I aint no Norm Abrams!
It's pouring out, and Norah Jones is singing in the background. A big mug of hot cocoa is in my very, very near future, and I just borrowed "Marley and Me" from my aunt and uncle. It's in the queue, after "The Godfather."
Rivers are good. Rivers are important. River rocks are amazingly diverse, and skipping stones is an activity that's gotta be good for the soul.
Tearing up a riverbank with an ATV - not so much.
Oh, and autumn. Autumn is unstoppably important and good and rejuvenating. It is my season. Dragonflies and fuzzy-butt blue aphids and apples and tree colors and ... well, you know.
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