This morning Bob and I decided to go for a short hike up Bear Creek. We've been up this road many times before, but never have we actually run across a bear....until today! We were still in the car so there was no danger, and the "little" black bear was much more interested in running across the road and getting away from us as fast as possible. Still it was a great way to start the morning!
The hike was lovely too, with lots of photos to take and shopping through the new trees on the trail, wishing each and every one could somehow appear down in our field by the cabin. Our own trees are doing great however, and we even have three new additions to cheer on: two Serviceberries and one Crab Apple. Along with the 100+ willow branches that Bob as 'planted' down at the river side it's been a record year for planting trees!
Time has really done some funny things since we've been here. We arrived only a couple of weeks ago, Uhaul and car packed to the gills, and yet it feels as if we've been here most the year. I'm reminded every now and then by boxes that need tending to, or areas that are desperate to be organized, but I can't say it any better than, from the moment we walked in the door from our drive across the passes on the's felt like home.
River swims, driving through the valley (where I grew up) to go help out at the quilt store, walks down the dirt road as the sun goes down, no television, deer, birds, (and bear) as entertainment, uninterrupted starlight, a moon so bright that it casts a shadow, and that wonderful feeling of going to sleep after a day of being active in the outdoors.
life is good.
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