Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Contrast, Thy Name is Obama

Whenever President Bush or Secretary Rumsfeld or Secretary Rice went to Iraq, it had to be a surprise. With the greatest military force in the world, and the most sophisticated personal security force in the world, our muckety-mucks couldn't go to our latest imperial outpost in the clear because it was too dangerous. I may be wrong about Rice and Rumsfeld, but I'm almost positive every trip George Bush made to Iraq was cloaked in secrecy and was announced by the media as "a surprise visit".

Today President Obama thedwse shdue snxn... sorry. I still get a bit teary when I say or type "President Obama." He and Michelle did a surprise visit of their own today, to an elementary school. Two big questions: 1) While the president was reading to the children, was Joe Biden in an undisclosed location instructing NORAD to continue its terrorism drill scenarios, and 2) How cool is that President Obama's first "Surprise Visit" was to a school in Washington D.C.

Was it all a crass photo op? Maybe, but I doubt it. Based on the campaign, and Obama's ability to construct coherent sentences on his own and express his views in controlled and uncontrolled situations, I gotta think he can make his own mind up.

On a slightly related note, Tom Daschle screwed up, he screwed up big, and if he's done something illegal, he should be tried and maybe go to jail. The administration was right to not stand behind him, and he was right to withdraw his name. But just think, had this been the Bush administration, Daschle's conversative doppleganger would be defended vociferously and, were the crime sufficiently horrible, probably end up with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

A while ago I said (by the way, this is Bob, not Monique) this blog wouldn't be political. So, I slipped a bit, k? We had freezing fog last night, it's weirdly still out there, and the deer and turkeys are hanging around together like they did last winter. I love this place!

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