Tuesday, June 10, 2008

14 Hours and Counting

June 10. Not March 10, or even April 10, but JUNE 10. This morning, around 8a, it started snowing here. Mostly rain with a little snow, but then it went the other way.

This was taken just before noon, when it had been snowing for almost four hours.

It's now after 10p, and it has snowed all day.

All -- stinkin' -- day.

Heavy, wet snow requiring tree shaking to unburden the leaves (and in the case of the giant lilacs, the flowers) of the slushy stuff. I don't remember too many days this winter when it snowed fourteen hours straight. If it freezes tonight, we'll have some tree damage, and the cherry orchards in the valley could get wiped out.

The other big news for the day is my sister and her two dobies are visiting.Lucy (on the couch) and Silas (on the floor) and Carla (not pictured... see her blog here) arrived this afternoon, we had pizza, we played in the snow, and in keeping with the rather odd weather happenings, we listened to Christmas music and watched the Peanuts Christmas Special after dinner.

All in all a terrific day. And given the incredible bizarre dangerous weather happening elsewhere in the country, I'll take a misplaced snow day anytime.

Here's hoping you all find the true meaning of Christmas this summer. Peace!

1 comment:

Lynn Cohen said...

More people should be visiting your blog. I will have to go and wake some of them up.
We got snowed on in the Titons this early June on our way out west. It was crazy and unexpected and fun. It had all melted on our way back towards home.
Sure is pretty where you live.
Hope the flowers and cherries survived.