Green's bustin' out all over. It snowed yesterday, hailed today, but dangit, it's spring. The raspberry canes we got through FreeCycle are in the ground, and so are the perennials from Swan River Nursery. We even scattered wildflower seeds today. Lots of work in this rocky, clay-dominant ground, and we got rained and hailed on, but it's good being outside.
Digging, raking, planting, planning, puttering. Our 4'x4' garden bed has plants in it. Beans, peas, and various other veggies are in.
That's the "ibuprofin" part... as for Tim Tams, they're just about the best dang cookie (or "biscuit") ever. Here's a previous entry of mine about them... Llysa brought them back from Australia, and Monique brought them back from Seattle.
I have one more pine to transplant this spring, a lovely little tree I promised the power company I'd move so they wouldn't tear it out. That'll probably be it until autumn.
And the other monster news here: the garage is in! The garage is in!!

Tuesday was the big day, when the 24'x30' building arrived by truck, courtesy of Kinninburgh Construction. The first pic shows them coming on the property, apparently about to take out a few trees. In reality, I didn't have to remove
any, and they didn't even run any over. The middle picture shows them moving it into place over the slab, and a Montana Highway Patrol car... seems when the guys were moving it over the Flathead River during a rainstorm, some yahoo decided to ignore the flashing lights, the "Oversize Load" sign, and the guy holding a stop sign on the road, flew by, and crashed into the cars that had actually decided to obey the law. The moving guys did everything they were supposed to do; morons will be morons.
The final pic shows the garage bathed in evening light and the end of its first day at its new home. I waited until Monique got home Thursday before putting either vehicle in there.
Thanks and thanks and thanks again to Bill and Yvonne for the garage!
WOW! I can't wait to see all of these changes in person!
We couldn't be more thrilled to see the garage in it's new home. Enjoy! Yvonne & Bill
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