Rain, sun, hail, snow (not too far up the hillsides), more rain, oh, and wind.
It's spring!!!!
Haven't seen any new fawns yet, but my cousin and his mom saw a big -- big -- black bear by their house. They're situated in the woods, and it's far easier for animals to stealthily get near their place than our "cabin". I saw the pictures, and it's pretty hard to imagine that critter has been sleeping most of the last seven months. It was huge and healthy looking.
I love the little zzzwzzwzzwzzwzzw of the hummingbirds. After we put the feeder up, we had two and three visiting within an hour. They'd come before to check out the windchime, but how do they sense there's food that quickly?
The river hasn't risen today, and I can say with solid confidence about every willow twig we planted last year and earlier this year: unless it's on the slope of the riverbank, it's gone. The river's up about 3.5 feet, maybe 4, from last fall. I'd completely forgotten the force of it against the bank when it's up like this... I had to tie down the willow stumps to keep them from floating away, and I know the skinny shrubs around which I tied the rope won't be happy if the current tries again. Serves 'em right for having 1" thorns (spikes, really) every couple inches.

I drove into town today for gas (yay Costco!), and the Flathead river near Kalispell is amazing. Its legendary green color is more a sickly brown-green, and it is high. Oh, and I'd forgotten my Costco card, so that was a worthwhile lunch hour! My lameness sometimes surpasses my own expectations.
The Wild Mile kayak competition on the Swan this weekend should be a blast. I've not been before, and this is supposedly one of the better short runs in the country when the water's up.