Tuesday, January 8, 2008


We have found a great new use for our wood stove!

Granted the idea that the wood stove gives off HEAT is not a new one. And the concept that the heat from the wood stove can make water also hot (if placed in a proper container on the top of said wood stove) is not beyond our mental thinking--in fact we tend to keep a kettle on most all the time to keep some moisture in the air.

But tonight...in a stroke of genius, we put this knowledge to a wonderful use. The lovely little foot bath that Bob gave me for my birthday a while back has one small flaw...the water cools too quickly when you use it. Not so if you heat up a stock pot of water on the wood stove and dish it in to foot bath!

The result...happy, toasty, soft and lovely toes.

It may be snowing outside,...but it's not winter in here!



Carla said...

Oooooooh, what a GREAT idea! I too hate how quickly my foot bath cools off. Think I want a woodstove for my next birthday!

Monique Kleinhans said...

Noted! :)

OR you could come over and we'll treat you to the chair of honor ;)