Monday, April 12, 2010

Hmm? Who? Wha'?

Okay, yes, it's been a while. Bob here, with no Rumplestiltskin-like excuse, no password forgotten, no nothing except procrastination run amok.

So. What's happened since I last updated the page a year ago. *sigh* Nope, not gonna do that. Best to write as if I've been writing.

Spring in our little hunk o' western Montana is glorious. Weather changes can come quickly and dramatically, as they have this year. Sun, wind, rain, hail, snow, and all the combinations thereof hit us last Thursday; Friday it just snowed, Saturday was sunny and short-sleeve spring-y. We're anxious to build up more garden area, but really anxious to get flowers and veggies in the ground. Our starter pellets, seed, trays, and plans are ready, and this year we're going to try a horse trough as a raised bed for corn. We bought a cold box from Kalispell's Habitat for Humanity Restore, and can't wait to try it out!

Thankfully the windstorms of last winter and spring have, so far, not been repeated. From what I see, no trees fell during the winter anywhere on the property!

Some of the relatives will be up this weekend to open their cabins for the season, and it'll be great to see them all. Winter's solitude is over. The deer are far fewer, the tom turkeys are strutting, we saw our first neighborhood osprey yesterday, and skunk cabbage is sprouting.

Here's to spring, and a goal to update the blog juuuuust a bit more frequently.