Global warming, huh? Really? You and your tree-worshipping hippie screwball friends sure about that? Check it out, losers -- it's March 29, it's snowed six inches since last night, it's still snowing, and the whole region's under a snow advisory or heavy snow warning. Gee, that doesn't sound like warming to me!!
Seattle got snow yesterday! Spokane, Kalispell, all the way east past Havre. SNOW. Snow doesn't happen unless it's cold, folks. How can the earth supposedly be warming if there's big snow falling at the end of March? Hundreds and hundreds of miles of evidence just proved you completely 100% wrong!
I'd feel sorry for you if I didn't despise you and everything your solar-powered hand-wringing commie crowd stands for.
That hypocritical liar Gore flies around in his private jet, wasting fuel and scaring people with fantasy stories of glaciers melting. NEWS FLASH --America used to be covered by a mile-thick glacier, which means they've been melting for years!!! Somehow polar bears can't swim anymore, and sea levels are rising? You ever see an ice cube melt in a glass of water? The water level doesn't rise!!!! Meanwhile, ski resorts are still open, the mountains around here have lots of snow, and the second-greatest President of all time is 100% right, as usual.*
Gas is expensive because that's the way God wants it, losers.
P.S. Have a nice day.
* Greatest Presidents of the United States of God Bless America
1. Reagan
2. Bush Jr.
3. Bush Sr.
4. Lincoln
5. Jefferson
6... All the rest, down to the bottom of the bottom of the pile, your buddy Clinton! Deal with it, he's the worst ever!!!!