Venus in the morning has caught and held my attention the last couple mornings, so bright and big in the eastern sky. As a kid, and thankfully still today, I wonder what the sky looked like before electric light washed so much of it away. It's no wonder people worshipped, feared, followed, and "read" the night sky.
Imagine: a strong meteor shower with no moon and no interfering light, anywhere.
A crisp, cold, winter night, and the full moon illuminating a valley.
A moonless winter solstice in upper Canada or Alaska, with the Aurora Borealis dancing for days.
Imagine (types the guy with more lights on in the house than he needs) what the night sky looked like just a few hundred years ago.
Oh, and yesterday on my river walk I saw a HUGE crawdad (is that the same as a crayfish?) eating a smaller one. There certainly won't be many days left this year where an hour-long walk in the water will feel as good as that one did.
Yesterday at lunch we moved Monique's granparents' rosebush from beside the garage on their old farm to just by the cabin here. It's about seven feet tall, and should thrive nicely in the sunny spot. I wish there was a way to save that property.
Contacted "The Guy" #3 about our windows -- he's coming out next Monday afternoon to take a look at the job. Please, please, please.